Details: Oxford guided sightseeing tour
Explore the ancient university city of Oxford from an American perspective, with a local guide tour one of the 39 colleges that make up the university (colleges you may visit include Brasenose, Christ Church or New College). Visit the Bodleian Library. Discover why the college bell is still rung 101 times at 9:05 p.m.
Details: Bodleian Library visit
Visit one of the oldest libraries in Europe, the Bodleian.
Details: Oxford University college visit
Explore the oldest English-speaking university in the world. Founded in 1096, Oxford got a big attendance boost in 1167, when a tiff between the English and French kings caused all English students to be expelled from the University of Paris. Many came back to Oxford, and since then the university has been home to many of England’s most illustrious thinkers and writers, including Sir Walter Raleigh, Roger Bacon -- and Dr. Seuss. With a local guide tour one of the 39 colleges that make up the university (colleges you may visit include Brasenose, Christ Church, or New College).
Details: Oxford choir performance
Potential venues include (but not limited to): Christ Church College Chapel, Trinity College, St. Edward's School, Wychwood School, Donnington County School, or St. Michael's at the North Gate Church. Subject to final confirmation.
Details: Travel to London
London is the largest city in Europe: quite a feat, considering its location on a relatively small island. London's location is perfect for an administrative, communications, and trade center. Founded by the Romans in the 1st Century, London is filled with countless historic and cultural treasures that meld seamlessly in this exciting, contemporary city.